Northern Lights in Denmark

As we reach Solar Maximum in the current solar cycle, the sun gets more sun spots which lead to more Earth-directed CME which leads to more (visible) Northern Lights (short explanation).
The pictures with high saturation are pictures that have been edited on a laptop without true colors, so it was very hard for me to edit them.
I decided against editing for now, so pictures which are taken on and after September 17, 2024 have not been edited and are just JPG’s straight from my camera (and some others before that date that I added later to this gallery).
I do still have all the RAW files, just in case I feel for editing again in the future.
I am going to see if I can find pictures from before February 23, 2023 as I have been taking pictures of the aurora before that date as well.
I also have seen the lights (photographically) on one occasion in The Netherlands in March 2015. I need to find these pictures as well. To be continued…

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