Andijvie stamp

Andijvie Stamp

This is the only stamppot from The Netherlands that I like
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes


  • 1,25 kg Potatoes
  • 250 g Diced bacon
  • 100 ml Semi-skimmed milk
  • 25 g Butter
  • 500 g Endive (or Romain salad)
  • 2 tbsp Sour Cream Crème fraiche
  • 30 ml Maggie


  • Peel potatoes and dice them
  • Cook in 20 minutes untill done
  • Fry the bacon crispy and brown
  • Add milk to the potatoes and mash into puree
  • Put pan on low heat
  • Fold andive in
  • Bring to taste with pepper and salt and maggie
  • Springkle the bacon on top
  • Enjoy!

Source: Albert Heijn

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